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Jaeger Graduates to a Top-Level CNCF Project


After two years of hard work and contributions from the community, Jaeger has graduated to be the 7th top-level project in the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, lining up alongside Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, CoreDNS, containerd, and Fluentd.

Announcing Jaeger v1.0


Today we reached a milestone and released v1.0 of Jaeger backend. Details are in this blog post.

Jaeger Joins Cloud Native Computing Foundation


At the Open Source Summit NA in Los Angeles, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) announced that it had accepted Jaeger as its 12th hosted project. Jaeger joins the respected company of other major modern foundational projects like Kubernetes, Prometheus, gRPC, and OpenTracing.

News coverage:

Introducing Jaeger


Uber is pleased to announce the open source release of Jaeger, a distributed tracing system, used to monitor, profile, and troubleshoot microservices.

Jaeger is written in Go, with OpenTracing compatible client libraries in Go, Java, Node, and Python. It allows service owners to instrument their services to get insights into what their architecture is doing.

Jaeger is available now on Github as a public beta. Try it out by running the complete backend using the Docker image along with a sample application, HotROD, to generate interesting traces.

We hope that other organizations find Jaeger to be a useful tool, and we welcome contributions. Keep up to date by subscribing to our mailing list.